Monthly Clinics on a Variety of Topics (such as the
ones listed below)
- BRING YOUR OWN POOP CLINIC is designed to teach horses
owners how to do their own fecal count. Recent research
indicate that not all horses need to be wormed as
frequently current worming practices suggest. A fecal
count can tell horses owners whether or not their horses
need to be wormed.
- IS YOUR CHILD HORSE CRAZY is designed to teach parents and their children about horses.
- HAVE YOU ALWAYS WANTED A HORSE is designed to focus on adults who know little about horses but have always wanted a horse.
- Brigadoon Farm hosts the South Texas branch of the International Performance Horse Development Association (IPHDA). The organization includes horse shows which are video taped, uploaded to youtube and entered to be judged by highly qualified horse professionals. The entry fees are small and prizes range from jackpots to saddles. The current IPHDA pattern being used is shown at the bottom of this page.